The Clanwilliam Institute is accepting enquiries for two renowned parenting programs that are being facilitated for free to parents.
You can express your interest by contacting us.

Non-Violence Resistance: (NVR) Program

The Clanwilliam Institute is now offering a Parents only course to support parents who maybe struggling to support their child with:

  • Child to parent violence, aggression or controlling behaviours
  • Violence or aggression towards siblings

This course is now full.

Further information on this course can be accessed at:

Supporting Parents for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) Program

The Clanwilliam Institute is now offering a Parents Only course to support parents who are struggling with a child who has severe levels of anxiety. This can include:

  • School refusal
  • Controlling behaviours towards family members
  • Rituals that the child uses
  • Refusal to engage in social activities

This course is now full.

Further information on this course can be accessed on:

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